Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Day 5: Reviewing Relevant Concepts in Pedagogy

Retrieved from www.theguardian.com


  • Students will be able to review those concepts in Pedagogy that are related to our course study.

Please browse the links provided, or any other website you consider useful and reliable, to answer the following questions:

1.  What is Pedagogy?

2.  What is teaching?

3.  What is learning?

4.  What is the difference between acquisition and learning?


5.  What are the key theories on which Pedagogy is based?  List them and give a short explanation for each.


Bloom´s Taxonomy

Piaget's Cognitive Theory

Vygotsky´s Theory

6.  Find out about Learning Styles .

7.  How do people learn?



1. Go over your notes from these two days of research. Become knowledgeable
 on these concepts so you can participate in tomorrow's discussion in class.  Participation will be  graded.

2. Choose three important things you learned from the experience. Write them down on a separate piece of paper to be handed in in class.

3.  Review the concepts of
Make sure you understand and talk about the theoretical principles of each approach.

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